The Master Lemon Cleanse Diet is a three-step detoxification program that was created in 1941. Although it was developed to help patients remove dangerous toxins from the body, it has been a subject of controversy by health care professionals.
Master Cleanse Diet
The cleanse program consists of three steps: ease-in, lemonade diet and ease-out. Ease-In is an optional step that prepares the stomach for less food. The cleanse is the second step and requires the participant to drink a combination of fresh lemon juice, maple syrup, cayenne pepper and water for seven days. Ease-out prepares the body to return to a normal diet.
Health Risks
Experts from the American Dietetic Association do not recommend the program as fasting from food long-term can rob the body of vital nutrients and depress the immune system. Extreme calorie reduction can cause severe headaches, fatigue and mood swings. Diabetics, pregnant women or people who suffer from heart or kidney disease or digestive disorders should not attempt the program.
The Human Body
While many people suffer from conditions that can inhibit organ function, the liver, kidneys, lungs and skin work in conjunction to eliminate toxins from the body. The Capitol Gastroenterology Consultants Medical Group in Sacramento, California do not believe detoxification diets are necessary because of this complex, built-in detoxification system.
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