The Atkins Diet is what most people think of when they think of a low- or no-carb diet, but these types of diets have been around for a long time. Many people, however, don't know how to properly follow one of these diets. By doing it the right way, you can drop serious body fat.
The Foods
Meat (steak, turkey, fish, chicken)
Nuts and seeds (almonds, walnuts, pecans)
Fish oil (cod liver with vitamin D is preferable)
Fiber supplement
The Method

The biggest problem when you are on a low- or no-carb diet is not eating enough. Do not simply cut out your carbs and replace them with nothing. This will only lower your metabolism, and ensure the weight comes back. You need to replace your carbs with meat, lots of meat. Do not concern yourself with calories; meet these requirements, and reap the benefits.
Consume 1.5-2g of protein per pound of bodyweight (protein, not meat). For example this means that a 200 lb person should consume between 300-400 g of protein per day, from natural sources. Keep protein shakes down to 1 per day, preferably after a workout. This is a lot of meat to consume in a day (at least you won't be hungry), try to get as close as possible, the more the better. No eggs on this plan, sorry.
Fish oil every morning with your first meal. The fish oil is high in omega-3 fatty acids and is great for loosing weight (among other things). Consume 1g of fish oil for every percent bodyfat. So if you are 33% bodyfat (obese) then you need 33g of fish oil per day.
Carbs are to be kept at a bare minimum, except for fiber. Therefore you are limited to 50g of carbohydrates per day, not including fiber. Some cooked or raw vegetables are a great source of fibrous veggies, and won't spike your blood sugar. Count your carbs all day long, and keep them under 50g. Most things have at least a couple carbs so watch even the foods listed above.
Fiber is essential to keep you from getting constipated on this diet. Make sure to consume a minimum of 20g of Carbs per day, preferably 30-40g. This will be hard to do, so make sure to have at least 1-2 servings of nuts or seeds per day, and it would be a good idea to supplement with a fiber powder of some kind at night before bed. Remember, fiber is a carb, but doesn't count toward your 50g, so subtract your grams of fiber from your total carbs, and keep that number under 50g.
Eat constantly. Eat at least 5-6 meals per day with plenty of protein at every one.
Closing Thoughts
It is always recommended to get your doctor's approval before starting a new diet or exercise routine. Exercise on this routine in order to see maximum benefits. Even walking will do. Do not do this diet for more than about two weeks because chronic carbohydrate depletion can be bad for the body. On this diet, you may not lose much weight, but you will lose fat and build some muscle. This diet will keep the fat off longer and help you lose more fat in the long run.
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