Probiotics are widely recognized for their immense value in supporting digestive health. These live microorganisms mimic those found in the human gut and promote overall health and wellness. Probiotics are commonly available through supplements and fermented foods, and can be easily added to your diet or supplement routine.
Probiotics in supplement form can be found in capsules, liquids and powders. Unfortunately, probiotics are not regulated by the FDA, and the supplements vary greatly in quality and potency. Therefore, it is important that you ask the experts at your local health food store, or a natural health care provider, for advice on which brand of probiotic is most beneficial, and how much you should take of that particular product.
In supplement form, look for probiotics that contain 1 billion bacteria per gram or greater, and that have been stored in the refrigerator (this protects the probiotic microorganisms from temperature changes that could result in decreased potency).
Because supplements vary, follow the dosage instructions provided with the product that you are using. For a general suggested dose, however, if the probiotic is for maintenance or preventive purposes, a reasonable dose would be between 1 billion organisms two or three times weekly and 4 billion organisms daily. For therapeutic purposes, such as fighting an intestinal infection, coping with an illness or after a course of antibiotics, an effective dose would be 5 billion to 10 billion organisms two or three times daily.
Fermented Foods
Probiotics can be obtained through a variety of fermented foods, such as select brands of yogurt, kefir and fermented cabbage, as well as juices, cereals and granola bars that have been fortified with probiotics. Probiotics obtained through foods are generally not considered to be available at therapeutic levels. Because the quantity of live probiotic bacteria are minimal in food sources--and probiotics are considered nontoxic--it is relatively impossible to consume too much probiotic bacteria through foods.
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