
Thursday, November 28, 2013

Model's Secret to Weight Loss

Models are the most likely go-to candidates for secrets for slimming down. Models have weight loss experts, trainers and nutritionists at their fingertips to find the best ways to lose weight. Some use exercise and some use portion control; each woman has a different strategy that works for her. If you want to lose weight and to get in shape, a model's regimen might be right for your body. With a few helpful tips, you can lose weight the way a Victoria's secret model does.

Portion Control

    Many supermodels borrow this technique to drop weight quickly or to keep their bodies looking trim. Model Adriana Lima likes to eat whatever she wants, but uses small portions to avoid overindulging. To apply this concept to your everyday routine, have a healthy breakfast, such as fruit and oatmeal. For lunch, try a handful of raw vegetables and a tuna sandwich on wheat bread with water. Dinner is where the big cut comes: a small salad with vegetables and 2 tablespoons of vinaigrette dressing. This portioning technique is difficult at first, and is not recommended for long-term weight control.

Avoid Salt, Soda and Alcohol

    Salt, alcohol and soda cause you to retain water and bloat. Alcohol and soda also contain unwanted calories that leave you hungry after consumption. Try substituting soda with water or a mix of natural fruit juice and water. To reduce your salt intake, use low-sodium salad dressings, and add salt-free snacks such as fruits and nuts. As a rule, you should drink eight 8-ounce glasses of water in a day, and having water on hand will encourage this. If you focus on drinking all your recommended water you'll be less likely to reach for soda or alcohol. Try having an extra glass of water with every meal. Water cleans out your body and helps facilitate weight loss.


    Lots of models starve themselves but some note good old-fashioned sleep as their weight control aid. By going to bed just 30 minutes earlier and waking up 30 minutes later than usual, you can curb excess snacking. The worst snacking urges come later in the evening when you're bored or easily tempted by dessert.

    Food eaten right before bed has nowhere to go, since you're not burning it off while you're sleeping. If you close down your kitchen after dinner and head to bed early, you'll miss out on dangerous nighttime calories. The same concept applies to breakfast; waking too early leaves time for boredom-induced snacking. After 8 hours of not eating, your brain is programmed to want to eat when first waking. Waking later than usual will allow only enough time for a small breakfast. Over time, this small change will help you slim down.


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