Let's face it--weight loss isn't ever easy. There are so many claims for "fast weight loss" and "lose 20 pounds in 10 days" that it can be difficult to weed through the claims to find the facts. The fact is, there is no easy and immediate way to lose significant weight loss, but there are products that can help you in your effort to lose those extra pounds, and one of those products is 5HTP.
Using 5HTP for weight loss
5 Hydroxy-L-tryptophan (5-HTP) is a form of tryptophan that is created by food, not by the body,which makes it an essential amino acid. Supplementing with 5HTP helps increase the level of serotonin in the brain, which stimulates the "feel good" part of the brain. When the brain feels good, it is less likely to crave carbohydrates. Serotonin deficiencies can cause anxiety, depression, insomnia, fibromyalgia, headaches, panic attacks, obesity, epilepsy and bulimia. Double-blind studies by C. Cangiano, F. Ceci, A. Cacino in 1992, published in the Journal of Clinical Nutrition, have shown that 5-HTP have a definite effect on weight loss.
Supplementation with 5-HTP causes a sense of well-being and studies have shown that taking 50 mg of 5-HTP 20 minutes before meals decreases appetite, especially for carbohydrates. If, after 10 days, the dose is found to not be effective, it can be increased to 100mg before each meal, but only under the care of a physician. Long-term use of 5-HTP has not been studied, so short-term use should be considered.
There are warnings attached to taking 5-HTP. Side effects include nausea, stomachache, constipation and nasal congestion and can cause wild and vivid dreams. There have been tryptophan products from six manufacturers that the FDA banned because of contaminates. You should use 5-HTP only under a physician's care if you take an antidepressant, especially MAO inhibitors. The effects of 5-HTP may be enhanced by the use of B vitamins, extracts of ginger, passionflower, St. John's Wort and Gingko Biloba.
Pregnant woman should not take 5-HTP since it interferes with serotonin levels, which may have effects on the fetus.
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