Lemon water diet drinks help to flush toxins out of the body. People consume the beverages as a way to lose weight, essentially by cleansing their body for 10 to 14 days. While the detox drinks are a popular weight-loss aid, they promote only temporary weight loss. They are, however, effective at revving up your metabolism. Sipping the lemony beverages while following a healthy diet and exercise plan can help you shed pounds effectively, and for the long term.
- 1
Fill a drinking glass with 10 oz. of filtered water.
2Add 3 tbsp. of Grade B maple syrup to the water.
3Pour in 3 tbsp. of freshly squeezed lemon juice.
4Add 1 tsp. of cayenne pepper. The cayenne pepper helps to increase blood flow and speed up your metabolism.
5Stir the ingredients until they are thoroughly mixed together.
6Consume the freshly made drink.
I very much like the way you have provided some extremely useful information about "How to make lemon water diet drink". Thanks for sharing some extremely useful and effective information. By the way let me share my personal experience regarding a product which I recently came across in course of my weight loss journey. The product named "The Red Tea Detox" is said to be extremely beneficial in reducing weight and many people have claimed to have reduced 14 pounds in 14 days. it’s a detox diet that uses a special tea recipe to help accelerate fat loss. That’s really amazing isn’t it?