
Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Bland Diets for Upset Stomachs

If you have an upset stomach, you may be experiencing nausea, vomiting or diarrhea along with your gastrointestinal distress. While some cases of upset stomach are caused by food poisoning or illness, other cases are due to stress, eating certain foods or peptic ulcers. When you have an upset stomach, you should avoid foods that will make your condition worse. A bland diet will help soothe your stomach while you are on your way to recovery.

Diet to Help Vomiting

    If you are actively vomiting, solid foods are not recommended. Drink clear liquids until your vomiting has subsided. Try an electrolyte-replacement solution like Rehydralyte or Pedialyte to replace nutrients lost during vomiting episodes.

The BRAT Diet

    If you are experiencing gastrointestinal distress without vomiting, you can eat what doctors refer to as the "BRAT" diet. BRAT stands for bananas, rice, applesauce and toast. This diet is excellent for recovering from diarrhea or other gastrointestinal disorders. These foods are low in fiber, so they harden your stools. Bananas are a key component of this diet: They contain potassium, which is often lost during episodes of vomiting or diarrhea.

    While recovering from your gastrointestinal distress, you can add clear broth, saltine crackers and boiled potatoes to the BRAT diet. Do not follow this diet for extended periods of time, since it lacks key nutrients. You should be able to ease yourself into a normal diet within 48 hours of vomiting or diarrhea. Consult your doctor if vomiting or diarrhea continues for more than 48 hours.

Beyond the BRAT Diet

    While recovering from gastrointestinal distress, or if you are experiencing an upset stomach due to peptic ulcers or stress, you can consume bland foods other than those contained in the BRAT diet. Choose bland, nonspicy foods such as plain crackers, boiled potatoes, eggs, chicken, carrots, green beans, smooth peanut butter, vanilla and white bread. Mild cheeses are also an option if you are not sensitive to dairy.

    For beverages, choose clear, noncitrus juices, decaffeinated colas and herbal teas. Milk may be a good choice if you are not sensitive to dairy. Avoid caffeine.

General Guidelines

    Common stomach irritants include citrus fruits and juices, tomatoes, spices, caffeine, processed meats and milk. Avoid chocolate, alcohol, fried foods, heavily processed foods and whole grains.

    Eat small servings of food. You may feel more comfortable eating several small meals rather than three large ones. Do not avoid eating due to fear of stomach distress, as this could cause further stomach irritation. Chew your food slowly and thoroughly while you eat.Try to eat in a relaxing environment.


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