
Thursday, April 17, 2014

How to Quickly Relieve Stomach Bloating

The occasional bloated stomach is rarely a big deal, and often resolves itself with time. But if you're dealing with persistent bloating, perhaps it's time to assess your diet and eating habits to see if they contribute to discomfort. Signs of stomach bloating include tightness around the abdomen, and the stomach distending or sticking out a bit. Fortunately, there are effective and quick fixes for this digestive problem.



    Change your diet. Consuming a large amount of lactose (dairy products) and gassy foods such as broccoli, lettuce, and beans can bring on and aggravate stomach bloating.


    Drink more water. Flush toxins from your body and relieve constipation-induced bloating by increasing your water intake--about eight glasses a day.


    Use fiber. Get into the habit of taking a fiber supplement daily to keep your bowels regulated and reduce stomach bloating.


    Do light exercises. Go for a walk, take a swim, or ride a bike to help ease bloating. Like water and fiber, exercise encourages intestinal contractions.


    Go easy on the salt. Too much salt causes water retention, and water can settle in the stomach. Limit yourself to 2,300 mg of sodium a day.


    Try herbal teas. Sip fennel tea to help soothe a bloated stomach.


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