The food that you eat may be creating havoc within your body, and you may not even know it. Emotional and physical ailments have been known to be caused by a sensitivity to processed foods, such as gluten, corn syrup and dairy products. If you have a constant headache or feel sick and you cannot pinpoint why, cutting these foods out of your diet may be the solution. Elimination diets work to pinpoint the exact food causing the symptom by eliminating a specific set of foods for several weeks, then bringing them back in slowly to assess how your body responds. Many versions of the diet exist, but all contain the strict minimum in common for their food lists.

You can eat fresh fish such as trout, mackerel, tuna or cod, fresh meats such as chicken, lamb, turkey, veal, rabbit or lamb, lentils, and any type of bean. Any other meats may cause symptoms due to the proteins in them, including those in milk. Allowed proteins should be prepared with nothing but fresh sea salt, garlic, saffron or chives.

You can eat lemons, grapefruits, pears or apples in their natural forms. The goal of the diet is to eliminate everything that may be causing a problem. If you eat these out of jars, cook them in sugar, or add whipped cream, you will end up bypassing the process. Find out what is causing the problem within your body.

You can eat potatoes, sweet potatoes, lettuce, parsley, bamboo shoots, celery, cabbage and carrots. Prepare these boiled, baked, or sauted with sunflower or safflower oil. Flavor with garlic and sea salt.

Garlic, sea salt, saffron, and chives are allowed. Stay away from anything else. Seasonings normally contain many additives; these chemicals can skew the results of the diet.
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