According to the American Diabetes Association, there are 26 million Americans with diabetes. Living well with diabetes can be easy when you know exactly what foods to avoid. With so many foods guised as healthy, it's hard to tell exactly what is and what isn't permissive to eat.

Starchy carbohydrates such as potatoes, refined bread, and white pasta noodles raise the glucose levels in the blood. Cutting down on foods that are high in starchy carbohydrates or eating complex forms of carbohydrates such as multigrain or wheat can help stabilize blood sugar levels.

Sugar in itself is not a problem for diabetics. The high carbohydrate content in sweets raise the blood glucose levels as opposed to the actual sugar. Opting for sweets low in carbohydrates will not pose any harm to diabetics, although you should avoid things such as candy bars and doughnuts, which are high in carbs.

According to ADA research, foods that are high in sodium can cause hypertension and heart disease. Limiting processed meats and snack foods will reduce the higher risk of cardiovascular disease linked to diabetes. ADA also recommends substituting salt for herbs as a seasoning.
Trans and Saturated Fats

People with diabetes are at a higher risk for developing cardiovascular disease, so cutting out bad fats and cholesterol will help greatly in reducing your risk. Trans fats and saturated fats both raise the cholesterol levels in the blood, and should be replaced with heart healthy monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats.
Potential Help for PCOS
Women with PCOS are being recommended to follow the same dietary guidelines given to diabetics. This is because they are at a higher risk of developing diabetes. The low carbohydrate diet recommended to them helps to minimize the reoccurrence of multiple cysts and reduces the risk of developing diabetes.
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