A 3-day juice cleanse is a type of fast where you limit your diet to raw fruit and vegetable juices. Proponents of juice fasting believe that a high level of detoxification takes place while the body takes a mini-break from processing solid food. The juice itself is also thought to be an excellent source of antioxidants and vitamins.
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Choose a long weekend or 3 day period when you can set aside demands on your time. Take the opportunity for reflection, reading or other forms of quiet relaxation. Ideally, it should be during the warmer months.
2Prepare for the fast by reducing or eliminating alcohol, nicotine, sugar, dairy, caffeine, meat and fish, eggs and wheat from the diet. Eat mainly beans, organic fruits and vegetables.
3Consume at least 32 to 64 oz. of fruit and vegetable juice during each day of the fast. Sip the juice throughout the day.
4Process the fruit and vegetable juice as needed, or purchase it fresh from a juice bar at a health food store. Include fresh carrots, apples, pineapples, cranberries, beets, spinach, kale and cabbage for low-acid juices. Add green vegetables and sprouts that contain high levels of chlorophyll.
5Return gradually to solid foods. Begin by adding 2 pieces of fruit to your diet, then adding steamed green vegetables the next day. Next, add fresh salad and brown rice and progress to eggs and yogurt. Add chicken, fish or meat to the diet 5 to 6 days after the fast.
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