Many people experience gastrointestinal discomfort after consuming certain kinds of foods. Symptoms can include gas, bloating, diarrhea, abdominal cramping, nausea and vomiting. Accordingly, those who struggle with this condition should consume easily digested foods to help reduce or eliminate gastrointestinal distress.
In the late 1980s, Mervyn Danilewitz reportedly found a cure for runners' stomach ailments, claiming that eliminating dairy products from the diet 24 hours before a run would solve the problem, according to Runner's World. Many dairy products contain lactose, a form of sugar that can be difficult for some people to digest. To avoid stomach upset, try almond, rice or soy milks, which are typically lactose-free. Milks and yogurts that contain acidophilus also boast beneficial bacteria that can help the body break down lactose.
Low-Fiber Produce
Because the body does not break down fiber it is good for cleaning out the digestive system, but it can also cause gastrointestinal trouble. According to Bob Seebohar, Ph.D., the director of sports nutrition at the University of Florida, "When fiber gets low in the tract, bacteria feast on it, producing gas and sometimes cramping." Consequently, Runner's World recommends consuming more low-fiber produce such as cantaloupe, tomatoes, grapes, zucchini and grapefruit.
According to the Seattle Cancer Care Alliance, creators of the Gastrointestinal Diet, protein-rich foods are easy to digest compared to high-fat varieties. Consequently, the diet includes lean cuts of meat, fish and skinless poultry, as well as water-packed tuna, turkey bacon and well-cooked eggs. The diet restricts consumption of processed or cured meats, such as hot dogs, pepperoni, corned beef and cold cuts.
Refined Carbohydrates
Refined, processed carbohydrates have had the whole grain broken down and much of the natural fiber removed, making them easier to digest than whole-grain versions. The GI Diet recommends replacing high-fiber cereals and breads with simpler carbs, such as plain bagels, white bread and cereals with less than 2g of fiber per serving.
The Seattle Cancer Care Alliance reports that some people may develop an upset stomach or heartburn after consuming acidic food and drinks such as orange juice, lemonade or tomato juice. Therefore, most citrus juices are restricted on the GI Diet. Instead, choose water, cranberry juice and lactose-free nutritional drinks.
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