Getting a flat stomach is not a particularly fast or easy task. However, there are methods that are faster than others. The key is to combine both diet and exercise to both reduce the fat on your stomach and increase the size of the muscles on your stomach. Combining these two will help you achieve your goals faster than only doing one of them because they reinforce one another. Keep in mind that certain exercises burn more fat than others. Finally, it is important to note that you cannot only focus on your stomach. If you want to lose fat from your stomach, you have to lose fat everywhere on your body.
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Cut out all white carbohydrates from your diet. This includes white bread, white rice, pasta, and potatoes. You can get your carbohydrates from less calorie-dense sources such as vegetables.
2Cut all caloric drinks from your diet. This includes coffee with sugar, beer, soda, milk shakes, sweet tea and anything else. Basically, you should only be drinking water, black coffee and tea. Milk is acceptable in moderation, because it contains protein. Stick with skim and don't overdo it.
3Reduce your overall caloric intake by eating smaller portions. Men can safely lose weight by consuming around 1,600 calories a day, while women can do so on 1,200 calories a day. Use smaller plates, order appetizers instead of main entrees, and always save food for leftovers to help you reduce your calorie intake.
4Perform regular high-intensity interval training. This is cardiovascular training in which you perform "sets" of full intensity workouts interspersed with rest sets. So, on a bike, rowing machine, or any other cardiovascular machine, you should spend 1 minute going as hard as you can followed by 2 minutes of going at an easier pace. Repeat this for ten sets if you can; if not, work your way up to it.
5Perform regular strength training, which means being able to lift a level of weight for only four to six reps.
6Focus on compound lifts like deadlifts, squats, overhead presses and bench presses. These will work all of your muscles, stomach included, and burn calories, which will in turn burn fat from the rest of your body and your stomach also.
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